Looking like a toothpaste ad. |
It got dark fairly soon and then it got quiet. So quiet. Not wanting to stay in our room all evening, Andrea and I walked over to the common room/dining area. We were met by what we now refer to as Unfriendly Local Yogis. The Colina Lodge has a full on yoga studio and I guess a group of Tico yogis had come for a weekend yoga retreat.
Quick side bar: the inspiration for my nickname for the yogis comes from none other than Mean Girls.
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They basically looked at us like this when we walked in.
Anyway, Andrea and I thought that if we creepily hung out around the yogis, they might talk to us. Short answer: they didn't.
We watched like begging dogs as the ULY sipped warm, probably organic hot chocolate. Don't ask me why we didn't pipe up and ask for some. We were being ultra polite and shy. Plus I didn't want to offend anyone by pulling back the kitchen curtain and asking. Again, ultra politeness for the loss.
Soon enough the ULY headed off for their night yoga session or a night hike, I'll never know. But their departure meant Andrea and I had the large room to ourselves. We played a few embarrassing games of puppy dog rules dominoes before switching over to Heads Up. We played until my phone died out on us and decided that might be a good time to head back to our room. There, I wrote in my journal while she read until we fell asleep.
But let's get to the actually interesting part of all this: the zip line adventure.
The next morning, we were treated to the best coffee I've ever had in my life and some of that probably organic hot chocolate. We enjoyed it while waiting for our shuttle to take us to Selvatura's (the tour company we booked with) headquarters.
I'm so thankful I didn't pass up the offer of a shuttle because I almost certainly would have gotten lost and been frustrated going up the windy roads. We shuffled in to the check in area for the tour and decided to splurge on a helmet cam. Honestly, it was the coolest decision we made and we got lots of fun video to look back on. I would show you some clips, but I've had the hardest time getting the videos off my dad's computer. It'll just have to wait.
I half expected the weather to be as bad as the last time I zip lined (where I could see nothing but gray clouds all around me...which was still kind of an amazing experience) but my good luck charm Andrea brought some sunshine and no rain.
Isn't auto-awesome great?
I half expected the weather to be as bad as the last time I zip lined (where I could see nothing but gray clouds all around me...which was still kind of an amazing experience) but my good luck charm Andrea brought some sunshine and no rain.
Isn't auto-awesome great?
After 16 lines, it was time to do the Tarzan swing. For anyone who's wondering why it's called the Tarzan swing, it's because you literally get harnessed onto a rope that the tour operators wrap around you and then you drop off a platform and literally swing like Tarzan. I vividly remembered the Tarzan swing from three years ago. The free fall was longer than I was used to and I embarrassed myself in front of basic strangers by running out of scream half way through the initial fall. There's also a strong possibility I sounded like Regina George at some point but I can't guarantee that since I've basically blocked it out of my memory. I only remember the laughter directed at me.
The last three seconds are what matter.
I'd spent the entire tour freaking out over this swing. I repeatedly told Andrea how nervous I was about it. I even made her do it before me! Not a good tour guide moment. Eventually, it was my turn. As much as I wanted to turn around and say "HELL NO I'M NOT GOING THROUGH WITH THIS AGAIN!" I stuck it through. And you know what? It wasn't as bad as I remembered. The fact that I could see below me was probably a big help. I also turned my scream into a shout to avoid any humiliating guttural noises. Andrea caught video of it but I don't have it on my computer yet.
The unexpected adventure came at the end of the zip line tour. For the last line, which was about a mile long, we would get to pair up with a buddy. Obviously Andrea and I were excited because we'd get video of the two of us gliding through the canopy. As they set us up, the guides kept telling us to recline further and further back. I was totally skeptical of them because they'd been flirting with us about thirty seconds beforehand. I completely missed the cue that took us from flirtation to serious instruction. This ultimately would bite us in the butt.
We set off on the line and were both instantly overcome with excitement, awe and wonder. That obviously meant we sat straight up so we could get pictures. Even though we were blatantly deviating from what we were instructed to do, I thought we were keeping up great speed. My eyes were watering from all the wind! Maybe a little bit from the awe and wonder. Before I knew it, I could see the landing platform. There was just one problem: we were beginning to slow down.
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